Cyber Security Risk Preparation

February 21, 2018

Cover the cyber security basics

- Patching, antivirus and a firewall

Understand how security breach could affect your company

- Data loss

- Compromise sensitive customer information

- Phishing and social engineering attacks

- Denial of service

- Blackmail

- Identity theft

Understand where the threats come from

- Email, rogue sites, careless staff members

Develop a Cyber Security Policy

- identify risks related to cyber security

- establish cyber security governance

- develop policies, procedures and oversight processes

- protect company networks and information

- identify and address risks associated with remote access to client information and funds transfer requests

- define and handle risks associated with vendors and other third parties

- be able to detect unauthorised activity

Reduce the risk from the Human Factor

- Privilege abuse

- Data mishandling

- Unapproved hardware (devices, external drives) and software

- Internet and email misuse

Have a Recovery Plan

- Develop a plan of what to do when there is a cyber attack

Communication Plan

- Understand what resources and actions you need to get the business productive again

Keep your infrastructure up to date

- Older hardware can be a significant risk as the support ends

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