Site Audits

It is essential that an organisation has a clear picture of their IT network and the confidence that this network has been configured and maintained to best practices.

An audit will cover the following:

  • Record the details of the hardware, software
  • Verify software licensing 
  • Describe the network and how it is configured
  • Carry out a security check looking for vulnerabilities
  • Note update and patching status
  • Determine the general health of network
  • Review Practices and Policies
Book a Site Audit now

Microsoft 365 Business Mobile Demos

Book a free demo at your own office/premises with our Microsoft 365 Business unit to discover how we can reinvent how you work and secure your data and business assets

Disaster Recovery
Computer Culture can work with you in creating a DRP and relieve the stress of understanding exactly what needs to be implemented to safeguard your business in the event of a disaster

VOIP Solutions
There are compelling reasons to consider a VoIP phone system (Voice over Internet Protocol) as a replacement for your existing standard PABX system

Back Up
Computer Culture's Attiva Managed Backup is a dependable off site backup solution. Leveraging secure data centres, your most critical business data is incrementally backed up, encrypted and monitored by our technical team.

IT Audits
Our IT audit service delivers a clear picture of their IT network and the confidence that this network has been configured and maintained to best practices.

Our IT Partners

Managed Solutions
24x7x365 network monitoring coupled with an aggressive preventative maintenance component ensures optimum up-time for your business

Cyber Security
Our Managed Antivirus and Anti-Spam programs you can substantially reduce the risk of a cyper attack

Cloud Solutions
Cloud computing enables kiwi companies to use resources as a utility, just like electricity, rather than having to build and maintain computing infrastructures in-house

Our team work hard to make IT support easy. Where possible we use our technology to transition our customers from lengthy support calls or on site visits to delivering online support via remote access
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