5 Likely Technology Trends for 2018

February 21, 2018

1. Cryptocurrencies

Over this past year, Bitcoin has had a marked impact in the financial world, but there are dozens of other cryptocurrencies out there which are still evolving. There are several impediments to Bitcoins increased acceptance, partially caused by the volitivity in its trading price. It only needs major financial institutions to recognise these currencies to change the landscape.

2. Blockchain

Blockchain is a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly. This technology will soon find its way into credit card companies and other industries where high security is required.

3. Social Media

Many expect that the impact of social media on our lives and news dissemination will only increase.

4. Augmented Reality

Already Apple and Samsung phones are capable of high end AR and recently there are new releases of advanced AR headsets. Some are predicting the release of another app which will have a greater impact than Pokémon.

5. Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants are in the market place in phones, however expect to see these built in to other devices such as your television in the near future. Watch out for Samsung’s Bixby technology.

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