Cloud Backup

When the worst happens, sometimes standard local backup isn’t enough!

Backups are a crucial component for businesses to be able to minimise their downtime after an event that could cause them to lose their data, such as a natural disaster or a security breach. Backups need to be secure with the data sent offsite to an alternate location.

Even the best backups can fail, so why put your business at risk by relying on local backup alone?

A cloud based backup solution meets this criteria and is a reliable, inexpensive and scalable solution.

Computer Culture's Attiva Managed Backup is a dependable off site backup solution. Leveraging secure data centres, your most critical business data is incrementally backed up, encrypted and monitored by our technical team.

We can tailor this solution to meet your needs and you will get peace of mind knowing your data is always protected and accessible.

Microsoft 365 Business Mobile Demos

Book a free demo at your own office/premises with our Microsoft 365 Business unit to discover how we can reinvent how you work and secure your data and business assets

Computer Culture can work with you in creating a DRP and relieve the stress of understanding exactly what needs to be implemented to safeguard your business in the event of a disaster

There are compelling reasons to consider a VoIP phone system (Voice over Internet Protocol) as a replacement for your existing standard PABX system

Computer Culture's Attiva Managed Backup is a dependable off site backup solution. Leveraging secure data centres, your most critical business data is incrementally backed up, encrypted and monitored by our technical team.

Our IT audit service delivers a clear picture of their IT network and the confidence that this network has been configured and maintained to best practices.
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