P: (03) 377 4662

Joshua Lowe

Managed Operations Engineer

Favourite Food: Nachos
Favourite Movie: A Knight's Tale
Favourite Animal: Weka

Joshua is a new addition to the IT scene, coming from a background in industrial automation and a BE(Hons) in Mechatronics Engineering from The University of Canterbury.

A scout in his teenage years, Joshua grew up tramping, skiing, and mountain biking through the picturesque landscapes that Canterbury has to offer and can still be found galivanting through the backcountry with his friends over the weekend; being a big foodie, his meals on the trail are often the envy of the hut!

Besides tramping, Joshua can also be found volunteering and training for Christchurch Civil Defence Emergency Management, riding and fixing his motorcycle, and furthering his study of historical fencing – currently focusing on the use of longswords, daggers, and infantry sabres.
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