P: (03) 377 4662

John Fraher

Systems Support Engineer

Favourite Food: Thai
Favourite Movie: Kingpin
Favourite Animal: Fox

John grew up in County Waterford in the South East of Ireland, an area famous for Waterford Crystal and of course the magic road which must be checked out if you ever visit Waterford. He studied IT in Waterford Institute of Technology and holds a National Craft Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery.
John worked in his father’s carpentry business for ten years before taking a job in a call centre where he ended up as the Service Desk Team Leader.

He is married a New Zealander and we have two daughters aged four and two and he moved to Christchurch in September 2016 and is looking forward to exploring the area.
John played rugby in Ireland but due to old age and injuries has recently retired. He loves fishing, walking in mountains and being anywhere that has rivers or a coastline to cast a line into.
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