Identifying Phishing Emails

September 28, 2017

With the increasing use of phishing emails, we’d like to draw your attention to how to identify whether the email links you are being asked to click are legitimate. This is done by hovering your cursor / pointer over the link and revealing the domain or destination to where you will be sent. If you look at the final part of the domain before the forward slash (/) you can determine whether you think this link is from the organization referred to in the email. In the example below .cenotehopping makes little sense and indicates the link is not authentic.

If there is a string of cryptic numbers or an .exe file do not click on the link. Ring the organisation who has sent you the email and verify that the email is legitimate. As always it is better to be cautious than caught out.

Microsoft offers this information on recognising phishing email messages, links, or phone calls.

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