P: (03) 377 4662

Eva Lorenz

Service Coordinator

Favourite Food: Cake
Favourite Movie: The Colour of Pomegranates
Favourite Animal: Seals

Eva grew up in the South Australian outback. She spent many years working all kinds of jobs in Australia, Korea, Mexico and Canada before settling in to complete a Degree in Psychology at the University of Adelaide. After being crushed by the heavy book that is academia, Eva decided to move to Christchurch in 2014.

She spent seven years working in the emergency services sector in service coordination and leadership roles then decided it was time to take those skills into a different industry. She arrived on Computer Culture’s doorstep and the rest is history.
Eva has a beautiful house by the beach with her partner and two house rabbits. Eva believes life is art therefore she loves to spend time watching arthouse movies, reading, working on creative endeavour's such as photography, and rug and costume making. She also enjoys going to the gym and hiking in nature.
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