P: (03) 377 4662

Dawn Rohrmoser

Admin Assistant/EA

Favourite Food: Thai
Favourite Movie: Avatar
Favourite Animal: Lion

My name is Dawn Rohrmoser, I was born in Zimbabwe and lived on a tobacco farm until I finished school. I completed a Secretarial course and had several jobs before I moved to South Africa when I was 22 and arrived in Christchurch in 2022.

I am married with 2 grown up step-children who have remained in South Africa and due to Covid my husband and I were separated for 27 months.

I worked for a Commercial Bank in South Africa as an Executive Assistant before being promoted to a Team Leader and doing a Business Management Diploma. I then spent 10 years running a printing and branding business with my husband. 
I love spending time with my family and friends, travelling, walking, and cycling.
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